Monday, October 03, 2005

Medieval Church History

(To the tune of Greased Lightening)

Why this time period is iconoclastic
It’s theocratic, It’s problematic, Why it’s The Medieval Church!

Gregory the Great is the start of the Medieval age (6th century, whoa, 6th century)
Then in the 8th was the Donation of Constantine (Pope Stephen, crowning Pepin)
Charlamange, his son, then the Treaty of Verdun
On his death the empire split between his fighting sons
In the 9th century

Leo the IX and King Henry the 3rd came next (11th century, yeah 11th century)
Hildebrand became Pope Gregory the 7th (under King Henry ,the 4th.)
Gregorian Reforms and Concordat at Worms
Investiture could no longer be the norm
the 12th century

Apostolic Life movement came on the scene oh yeah (evangelical awakening)
Cathars, Waldensians, and Beguines shake up the place (don’t forget the franciscans)
Lay leadership and apostolic poverty
Some faded and others were accused of heresy
The church goes on at the turn of the 14th century

Frederick the 2nd got the crown when Otto IV was deposed
(By Pope Innocent, the 3rd)
Philip the Fair and Boniface the VIII (Boniface revoked his power)
Boniface, … proclaimed, Unam Sactam (circa 1302)

Clement the V moved the papacy to Avignon (it lasted for 70 years)
The Great Western Schism started in the 14th century (another 40 years)
After Pisa, there were 3 popes
Sigismund, called Constance
15th Century

John Wycliff and the Lollards in England (denied Transubstantiation)
Jan Hus and the Utraquists in Bohemia (He was burned at the stake)
Vernacular Bible, Communion…in 2 forms
It was the beginning of church reform

beginning, beginning, beginning, beginning
Of the refor…ma….tion The Reformation


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